Samantha, Michele & David in Paris, 2015
s most architects are, both David and Christine consider themselves artistic. Indeed, their entire family, including grandchildren (there are three so far,) tend toward creative expression. While establishing his own consulting firm- where most of his projects are still overseas-David has branched out to pursue his writing. “About six years ago, I found that the corporate world was sucking the creativity out of me,” explains David, who chose writing over painting as an outlet to make the best use of his extensive travel time. “My first book, called The Journal of Rabbi Levy Wong, takes place in 1937 China which was actually the story of my father and grandfather but set in the context of a fictional story.”

Patrick, Michele, David & Christine on the island of Corsica, 2018
“Kind of like an Indiana Jones adventure,” adds Christine, clearly proud as a genuine fan of her husband’s books. His first story drew from the historic experiences of his ancestors as fur traders in China during the volatile years on the brink of World War II. David’s subsequent novels are more contemporary thrillers still set among Asian backdrops, and he’s earned a bit of a literary celebrity in Hong Kong.

Christine, Alexis & Michele in Hong Kong, 2014
Back home, the empty nesters enjoy the tranquility of San Clemente, yet are never too far from adventure. David’s consulting contracts take them back to Hong Kong this fall, amid growing unrest over conflicts within the Chinese government affecting the local citizens. In the meantime, they enjoy the simple pleasures of their California lifestyle.

Lampert House today
“We love to walk and we love to go to San Onofre State Beach with our dog,” Christine says, sure to include their latest rescue puppy, Ava, in the conversation. “We love the fact that the town is very dog friendly and we can walk anywhere.”

Lang/Lampert House, 1979
In the neighborhood where they were once the young upstarts, Christine and David appreciate that the community spirit is still essentially the same as when they first moved to San Clemente. In a sense, designing their life together-like the house they’ve lived in for forty years- remains a constant renovation project ever under construction.